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Rebuilt Circle App🏗️

The original design behind the Circle mobile app revolved around DNA tests only. As the company aspires to build an ecosystem that accommodates different types of test kits, the app needs to be restructured to serve better. Therefore, I joined forces with the designers to conduct usability tests and discover what people desired for “a mobile health coach”.


Here're the Improvement Made🛠️


The Home page where users can activate the test kit or read articles to learn about the test.


The Report tab shows the product portfolio Circle offers

The revamped DNA Main Report shows all the available categories at first glipmse.

Major Challenges


Data Analytics Wasn’t Available

There wasn’t much data to assess the app's performance. We identified events we wanted to track along the user journey to gain insights into user behaviour. This helped us to gain insights on the MAU, the conversion rate across funnels and popular user paths.


Indecision on the App’s Positioning

We weren’t sure if we should show content for wellness and diagnostic products on the app simultaneously as they serve different use cases. After weighing the pros and cons, we found that putting both types of products together can be complementary. DNA tests tell you about your genetic condition whereas blood tests show your current health status. It’s like the future VS now. It also paves cross-selling opportunities.


Sunset Customers Have Barely Revisited the App

As our app didn't have habit-forming features, the old customer didn't visit it often. As we introduced more new products to the app, we should find a way to direct more traffic to the app. Therefore, we leveraged the “lifetime report update” feature of the test kit. We planned to blast an email telling old users about the report updates and ask them to request via the app. Thus, we can attract people to update the app on App Store, visit our revamped app and view our latest content.

Things I've Learnt🏫

1. Use the Least Effort to A/B Test Our Hypotheses

Since the app has been revamped, the Customer Service Team has flagged that the booking rate of our complimentary consultation dropped significantly. This may disturb future opportunities to develop a telehealth business. While we didn't know the culprit, we could set up hypotheses and test them with the least effort. We found that both sales volume and conversion rate has been dropped significantly. While this might be one of the reasons that caused the drop in booking rate, we could also uncover other factors that may cause the decline. Here’s what we could do:

All the A/B testing emails can be sent to 3 selected groups simultaneously. We could adopt email as it's easy to set up for testing the ideas. We could thus look into the open and clickthrough rate on 3 email campaigns to understand which message is the most effective one that drives conversion before developing anything on the app.

If statistics show that people who find the value convert the most: We could emphasise the value on the consultation card so users are aware of it.

If statistics show that people who learn how to book convert the most: We could make the booking card looks more clickable and put a consultation CTA button on the report so more user knows there is the next step.

If statistics show that people who are reminded to book consultations convert the most: We could send a push notification to remind those who haven’t booked yet.

2. Prioritise Adding More Value to Customers over Endless Acquisition


According to 80/20 rules, 80% of the business revenue comes from 20% of the loyal customers. When I interviewed the customer, most of them were grateful and enthusiastic about how the information they got from the report gave them peace of mind and changed their habit for better health.

Some suggested that Circle could offer more customised solutions according to their results. We should thoroughly consider how we could keep giving tremendous value along the end-to-end journey, like offering bespoke meal plans, vitamins or FMCG products based on the DNA result. 

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