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Optimised Upgrade Journey🚀

CircleDNA, an at-home DNA test, is one of the flagship products from Prenetics. It entails 4 different SKUs - Vital, Health, Family Planning and Premium. Only the last SKU is entitled to 500+ health reports. Users of the prior 3 SKUs are offered an upgrade option to view the rest of the reports. They can upgrade by simply clicking the upgrade banner on
the Home page of the mobile app to checkout.

upgrade banner.PNG

The Problem🕵️

According to the data on Mixpanel in July 2022, Only 2% of people who are eligible for the upgrade upgraded to PremiumDNA.

After an in-depth investigation, the underperformance may be caused by the following flaws:

1. A Disjointed Journey from Raising Awareness to Converting Users
After users receive reports, they would get an email inviting them to upgrade their plans to Premium for more insights. However, when users clicked the button, they were guided to the App Store only and may not know how to upgrade.


2. Failed Multiple Factor Authentication 

According to the data from Sentry in Jun 2022, 6 out of 18 users failed to upgrade. This was because the payment gateway service didn’t support the function of opening a web browser for 2nd authentication. When users were required to verify identities again, they weren't able to do so and could not proceed to the upgrade.

Key Objective🥅

To boost the monthly revenue and conversion rate of the upgrades from Vital* to Premium DNA.

*As data showed that most of the previous upgrades came from Vital users, we mainly target this user group.


In considering the flaws and user behaviour, we came up with the following hypotheses that might lead to the low amount of upgrades.

Users lack interest to upgrade as they don’t see the value

Since the upgrade page only listed additional reports the users would get, it may not be attractive enough for them to pay for the upgrade. Besides, some may think the price is too high.

Users forget that they can upgrade

After users got the reports. they may not remember that there is an option for them to upgrade.

Users aren’t aware of where and how to upgrade

Since the banner was located at the bottom of the Home page, users may not see it easily. The call-to-action email for the upgrade didn’t guide them to the right door too.

Users can’t upgrade because of technical issues

The issue of the failed 2nd authentication caused users unable to checkout.

Proposed Solutions

To tackle the issue, we proposed several solutions based on each hypothesis. We then weighed the effort and priority for each solution to decide which features to develop first.


MVP Requirements📝


Given the limited engineer resources and other business priorities, we decided to reposition the banner first as it demanded the least effort and we could see the result immediately. Our strategy was to make progress in each sprint to influence the upgrade conversion incrementally. Here's the development timeline for the epic:

  1. Sprint 10: Change the placement of the upgrade banner on the Home page

  2. Sprint 11

    a. Revamp the upgrade overview page & generate a deep link

    b. Do a spike to see which payment gateway to adopt for the 2nd authentication

  3. Sprint 12: Add an upgrade banner on the main report

  4. Sprint 13: Fix the 2nd multiple factor authentication issue

User Flow

Below is the user flow of the revamped upgrade journey.

Upgrade journey user flow.png

The banner was repositioned on the Home page.

The Product Overview page was redesigned.

The checkout page

User Stories:
Upgrade via Email Deep Link📧

As a VitalDNA user, I receive an email telling me the value and method of upgrading to Premium DNA.


Happy Path 😀

  1. Given that I opened the upgrade email via mobile phone and I have logged into the Circle App;
    When I click the CTA button, I land on the Upgrade Overview Page

  2. When I click the upgrade button on the overview page, I proceed to the checkout.

  3. When I click the “confirm payment” button on the Confirmation Page, I see the upgrade summary on the Home page.

  4. When it’s 1 business day after my upgrade request, I receive a push notification about my upgraded report.

  5. When I click the notification, I land on the main report page with the unlocked report cards.


Unhappy Path (Edge Cases) 😞

  • Given that I opened the upgrade email via the web;
    When I click the CTA button, I land on the App Store.

  • Given that I opened the upgrade email via the mobile phone and I have not installed the Circle App;
    When I click the CTA button, I land on the App Store.

  • Given that I opened the upgrade email via the mobile phone and I have not logged into the Circle App;
    When I click the CTA button, I land on the login page of the Circle App.



  • Monthly revenue generated from the upgrade 

  • Conversion rate: # people paid for upgrade/ # people clicked the banner


  • Clickthrough rate of the banner on the Home page & Report

  • Number of successful payment

We can compare the data with the performance of the previous month to assess the effectiveness of the revamp and bug fix.

Abstract Surface

The Result📈

Compared to the data in Jul 2022, statistics showed that the number of people who clicked the upgrade banner and the revenue driven from the upgrade doubled after the banner was moved upwards. Though there might be external factors that lead to the growth, there is a higher chance that the repositioning of the banner attributed to the growth as the sales hasn't significantly increased and this was the major change directly related to the upgrade during the time.

Nonetheless, the conversion rate from clicking the banner to paying for the upgrade hasn't changed much. We can further investigate which factor makes people more likely to convert by adjusting the price and fixing the technical issue.

Besides, we saw that people who clicked the banner from the report were more likely to pay for the upgrade compared to those who clicked the banner on the Home page. We need to keep monitoring the data to see if this pattern pertains. One of the assumptions might be due to the accessibility of the banner on the report when the users want to upgrade. Further validation is required via reading more data over time.

Challenge & Takeaway🛍️

There was a misalignment in the behaviour of the deep link initially. The Marketing team thought it could be used for ads but the expected behaviour had not been deployed during the time.


Besides, it was aligned that the Marketing Engineering Team would develop the deep link initially. Nonetheless, as more time was needed for the Team to execute the task after they learned about the context, the work was eventually allocated to the App Engineering Team to catch up on the launch time. It has resulted in a slight delay in the development of other projects.


After the retrospective, it was concluded that we could cultivate better communication by having a meeting to align the overall timeline and role & responsibility of the project across the team, as well as to ensure all parties understand what should be done before committing to a task.

The experience has taught me to focus on how to do things better with other teams and maintain a transparent conversation earlier.

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